Houston Nights

Written By: D’be-D’be

March was almost over and the signs of spring were popping up all over New York. The stores and businesses were decorated for the Easter season and the smell of chocolate was in the air.

David Bradford didn’t feel in a festive mood. Things at work were becoming more and more stressful because of the recession and short tempers in fear of employment lines in corporate America. Union members were feeling the pinch more and more everyday, and the strain was beginning to show in every negotiation David was involved in. He needed a break and soon.

It was the end of another long day and David was pleased to see his partner’s car parked in his usual location. The only event that helped David make it through these days was the thoughts of seeing Oliver’s smiling and supportive face at the end of the work day.

“Hi Ollie,” David shouted as he slammed the door behind him. “Man, am I happy to be home.”

“I’m glad to have you home, babe,” Oliver replied as he planted a soft kiss on his partner’s lips then helped him remove his coat. “I have some exciting news to share with you.”

“Oh yeah? That’s great. I could sure use some right now.”

“Another bad day, eh?” Oliver inquired.

“No more that usual, but I don’t want to talk about that now. I want to hear all about your exciting news.”

“Well let me start by asking if you can get a few days off?”

“I’m sure I can, why?”

“Well, I’ve been giving a new assignment. I’ve been asked to fly to Houston and cover the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania.”

“OH MY GOD…..OH MY GOD!” David screamed and began jumping up and down. “Wrestlemania; oh Ollie, that is fabulous. You bet I’m going with you and if they won’t give me the time off, I’ll quit this stupid job.”

“I thought that news would lift your spirits. I’ve already confirmed our flight and hotel reservations.”

“Oh Ollie, I can’t tell you how happy you just made me. I can’t wait. Where are we staying?”

“The hotel is called the Houstonian and it is very gay friendly. It’s located in an eighteen acre complex in North Houston. Another highly-rated thing about this hotel is that there is a complete spa area just down a wooded path that includes a tranquil floating pool and rainforest massages.”

“Oh Ollie, that sounds heavenly.”

“It does, doesn’t it? I also put a call in to Mark, you know the Undertaker, to meet up with him and his new partner while we’re there.”

“He and Jamie Noble broke up?” David asked.

“Yeah, it just wasn’t working out. But he’s involved with someone else now and you’ll find out all about it when we go to Mark’s apartment Wednesday evening.”

“That’s right. The Undertaker is from Houston, isn’t he? I didn’t know if he stayed in Houston after he and his wife, Sara, divorced.”

“Yeah, he did. He let her keep the house because she has the kids most of the time due to his travel schedule, but he bought an apartment in downtown Houston so he’d have a place to crash when he’s not on the road.”

“Oh Ollie, I’m so excited. Look, if you didn’t start dinner yet, let me take you out for a romantic dinner to celebrate this great news. Then when we get home, I’ll show you just how happy I am over your glorious news.”

Oliver pulled David into his arms and after a long passionate kiss, he told his young partner to quickly shower and change while he called up their favourite restaurant and made the reservation.

As David ran up the stairs, he had a feeling that this evening was going to be a hell of a lot better than the day had been. He was right it was. After a delightful meal, the two men went back to their home and made love to each other like there was no tomorrow.


On Wednesday, April 1st, David and Oliver flew out of JKF to Houston. Throughout the entire flight, David filled Oliver in on all the fights that were to take place at Wrestlemania, and all the events that were to take place at the Reliant Stadium and Centre leading up to the main event. Having already received his schedule from the magazine editor, Oliver was aware of all the events. But he got such great joy in listening to his Brat describing every minute of what was going to take place during the five days, so he just smiled and pretended he was hearing about everything for the first time.

The driver and car the magazine company had arranged to meet Oliver and David at the airport, took them immediately to the hotel to check in. After the two had refreshed themselves, the driver then took them to the Undertaker’s apartment. All the way there, David couldn’t sit still. His mind went back to the first time he met his favourite wrestler and the kiss he had given him before he left their home. He also remembered the spanking he got during the evening for lying to Oliver about going to the see the Undertaker wrestle at the Gardens.

“David, for Pete’s sake calm down!” Oliver ordered. “You’re working yourself into such a state, you’ll be unable to eat. Now relax!”

“Oh Ollie, I’m trying, believe me I am. But you know how I feel about the Undertaker and I’m also anxious to see who his new partner is.”

“I know, baby; but please try and control your nerves, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

Oliver gave his head a shake but he gave his Brat a reassuring smile of support as the limousine pulled into the parking garage. He then led him up to the apartment complex where Mark Callaway, alias the Undertaker, waited for his company at the door.

“Hi, Oliver, it’s great to see you again.” The nearly seven-foot man greeted as he gave Oliver a warm embrace. Next he turned his attention to the young man standing next to his friend and smiled. “And how are you, David?”

David tried to reply but quickly discovered he had no spit left in his mouth. So when he tried to answer his host, his ‘I’m fine’ came out sounding as if Kermit the Frog was talking.

Callaway just laughed as he led the two men into the apartment. “Dinner will be ready shortly. Can I offer you two a drink while we wait?”

“I’d love a beer, Mark,” Oliver replied. “What about you, David?” he asked as he turned to his Brat.

David, however, was too enthralled with all the pictures on Mark’s walls that were telling their own stories of the eighteen years that the Undertaker has been with the WWE, to even notice he was being spoken to.

“David?” Oliver tried again.

“What….oh did you say something, Ollie?” David asked as he reluctantly turned away from the photographs and memorabilia.

“Yes I did. Mark asked if you wanted a drink before dinner.”

“A diet Coke please, Taker,” he answered before once again turning his attention towards the wall.

Mark let out a small chuckle as he made his way to the kitchen. When he returned, a young man was by his side. The young man stood about 6’ 1” and weighed about 225 pounds.

Oliver noticed that like Mark, this young man had a few tattoos on his body. He also noticed the young man’s hair was a multitude of colors ranging from blue to green to red.

“Jeff, why don’t you be a dear and offer our guests a seat in the living room while I check up on dinner.”

“Yes sir,” Jeff answered in a low southern drawl.

David, recognizing the voice, turned around and came face to face with Jeff Hardy. “You’re Taker’s new partner?” he asked.

Hardy, keeping his eyes to the floor, just nodded then handed the beer to the older of the two men.

“Hey Jeff,” David said. “There’s no need to be embarrassed about it. You’re among friends here, so relax, okay?”

“Thank you, uh…?”

“Oh, sorry. I’m David Bradford and I’m Oliver’s partner.” David held his hand out.

Hardy, with a sigh of happy relieve, gave David a handshake then handed him his diet Coke.

David led Jeff back toward the wall of pictures and the two men began discussing the upcoming Wrestlemania.

“Uh Jeff, can I ask you a personal question?” David asked.

“Sure, why not? if I don’t like it, I just won’t answer.”

“Fair enough. The feud you’re having with your older brother Matt, is that just a story line or what?”

“No, it’s the real thing. Matt is pissed off that I’m with Taker. He doesn’t like the fact that someone else has taken over his role as disciplinarian.”

“You mean Matt used to discipline you?”

“Yeah, he did. As you must know if you’re into wrestling, my mom died when I was nine of brain cancer and Matt sort of took over as my caretaker. Well I can be a little bratty and eventually Matt discovered the only thing that calmed me down, was a good old-fashion spanking. I tried to tell him the way he spanked me and the way Taker spanks me is entirely different. True, Matt loves me and spanked me out of love, but Taker is in love with me and I with him. When he disciplines me, it is not only out of love but out of concern and for behavior modification. He set down some rules that give me security in a way that Matt’s methods never did. Another way the discipline differs is that Matt used to spank me and then let me cry it out alone. Mark holds me and gives me comfort. That’s what I really need and Matt can’t understand that.”

“I know what you mean. I have some family members that would not understand my disciplinary relationship with Oliver either. But what Oliver and I have is the most special, perfect relationship one could ever imagine. He knows when I need some grounding and he is not shy about handing out some discipline of his own.”

“I know. Mark told me about your relationship so I’d realize I have an ally.”

“It must be hard for you, Jeff, being with Taker every day and not letting the other wrestlers know about your relationship.”

“Yeah, but we find ways of getting around it and besides, there are a few who know. Take Taker’s current ‘girlfriend’, Michelle McCool; she knows about us and has no problem being a buffer for us.”

“That is so cool.”

“Hey David,” Jeff asked, changing the subject somewhat. “Do you like dancing?”

“I love dancing; why?”

“There is a club here in Houston that has the reputation of being one of, if not the best, gay nightclubs in the country. I was thinking of checking it out after dinner. Would you like to come with me?”

“Man, would I ever.”

“Great! After dinner we can make an excuse and sneak out to the club.”

“Sneak out? Why do we have to sneak out?”

“Mark forbade me to go. He’s afraid someone will recognize me and it will get all over the media that Jeff Hardy was seen at a gay nightclub. But I told him I would change my appearance and I’d be extra careful.”

“Gee, I don’t know, Jeff. If your Top told you not to go; besides I don’t want the Undertaker mad at me for going along with your plan.”

“David, don’t you see it will be perfect? I mean, you’re not a wrestler. So if you and I walk in together, we’ll just look like any other gay couple out on a date. If we act like an active couple, no other guys will bug me for a dance or into the back room, so I’ll be safe and we’ll both have a great time.” Jeff could see he had David convinced the plan would work as he made his way over to his partner and sat down on his lap.

“It looks like you two are getting along,” Mark commented.

“Yeah, we sure are. We’ve made plans to spend more time together while David is here. It will be fun to have a fellow-Brat to hang around with.”

“Good, just as long as those plans don’t include the South Beach Club.”

“What’s the South Beach Club?” Oliver asked.

“It’s a gay bar that I forbid Jeff to frequent; isn’t that right, Jeff?”

“Yes Sir, I know. I understand your concerns and I’ll behave.”

“See that you do! Now why don’t you go and check on the dinner for me and take David with you while Oliver and I finish our conversation.”

After the two young men had left the room, Mark turned to Oliver. “Oliver, I’m going to ask you a favour.”

“Sure, Mark, what is it?”

“You know I’m not one to interfere in another Top’s relationship with his Brat, but I’m going to make an exception in this case and ask you if you would demand that David not go to that club either. I have a sinking suspicion that Jeff will try and convince David to go with him. But if David refuses, I think, no I know, Jeff won’t go either. Especially if he believes he may get David in trouble with his Top.”

“Consider it done. David, may I have a word with you alone for a minute, please?”

Taker went and joined his own Brat in the kitchen while Oliver took David aside.

“Look David, I know I said this was your week to have a great time and all, but I am setting down a rule.”

“What rule?”

“I do not want you attending any gay clubs while you’re here, especially the South Beach Club. Mark told me about the reputation that club has and so I don’t want you anywhere near there, is that understood?”

“But Ollie……”

“No buts about it. Now Mark thinks that Jeff will try and talk you into going with him and if he does, I want you to insist that you will not go and he should not go either. Is that understood?”

David remained silent for a few seconds before telling Ollie he understood. In his mind that didn’t mean he’d promised not to go; it just meant he understood the rule. So when he and Jeff went to the club later, he wouldn’t be breaking a rule because he didn’t really agree to the rule in the first place.

When the dinner was over and the dishes were done and put away, the four men made their way back into the living room. Jeff and David remained standing as their two Tops took a seat.

“Uh, Mark?” Jeff spoke up. “Is it alright if I take David over to the Stadium and show him the ring and maybe introduce him to some of the other guys?”

“Sure, if it’s okay with Oliver.”

“It’s fine with me on the one condition. You both be back by midnight because we all have a big day tomorrow.”

“Great! Thanks, Mr. Newman. I promise I’ll have him back here in plenty of time.”

“Yeah, thanks Ollie.” David concurred with Jeff’s sentiments as he gave his Top a farewell kiss. Jeff did the same and they were off.

In the parking garage, Jeff opened the trunk of his car and pulled out a duffle bag. He pulled out a short-haired, blond wig and placed in over his own long colourful locks. He then inserted green-coloured contact lenses in his eyes and put a pair of black dress shoes on with hidden lifts that made him look well over six-foot four. To finish off the ensemble, Hardy put on a sports jacket with huge padding that made his slender built look much bulkier.

David was amazed and impressed. If he didn’t know the man standing in front of him was one of the top young wrestlers of the WWE, he would never have recognized him.

They set out for the club where they had a terrific time. They danced together all night and David for the first time in a long time, felt the tension leave his body and the stress of the last few months as quickly forgotten. The two Brats were enjoying themselves so much that the consequences of their actions never crossed their minds.

Jeff was having such a good time, that by the time they left the club at 11:30, he didn’t notice two of his fellow wrestlers coming out of the restaurant next door. However, they recognized him. That disguise couldn’t fool them. They knew Hardy’s way of walking and the sound of his voice. The only saving grace was that these two wrestlers knew that Jeff was gay, so his reputation wasn’t in danger.

Unfortunately, what Hardy didn’t know, was that his behind was in deep trouble when the other wrestlers inadvertently told Taker they had seen Jeff, along with another fine-looking young man, come out of the South Beach Club. And if so fact so, David’s behind would be in the same sling.

The two young men got home way before the set curfew; even taking in the time Hardy took to get out of the disguise.

After hugs and thank you, David and Oliver left the apartment and made their way back to the hotel.

“Did you have fun tonight, baby?” Oliver asked his Brat

“I sure did!”

“David, you smell like you’ve been around smoke or fire works. What’s with that?”

David forgot about the light show at the club and the smell of sulphur it may have left on his clothing. It only took a minute however to come up with a believable explanation. “Oh, they were testing the entrance smokes and lights at the stadium for the various wrestlers and I guess I was standing too close.”

“I hope you weren’t in the way.”

“No, as a matter of fact they didn’t even notice that I was there.”

‘God,’ David thought to himself. ‘One lie is leading to another. I better stop while I’m ahead.’ He yawned loudly. “I’m really tired, Ollie. Is it okay if I just shut my eyes until we get to the hotel?”

“Oh I’m sorry, baby; of course,” Oliver pulled David into his arms and held him against his body. He could feel his young man trembling. He didn’t understand why, so he just chalked it up to being tired and still a little stressed out and excited.


Oliver and David met the Undertaker and Jeff at the entrance of the Reliant Stadium on Thursday morning. David followed Jeff as he prepared to meet with some children from the Make-A-Wish Foundation, while Oliver went with Mark to the ring to start taking some still photographs for Oliver’s project.

“Hey, Taker; how’s it going?”

Oliver turned to see another wrestler make his way towards the ring.

“Hey, Adam; how’s it going?” Turning to Oliver, Taker made the introductions. “Oliver, I would like you to meet Adam Copperland; better known by his stage name ‘Edge’.”

The two men shook hands and then Adam turned back to the Undertaker. “Were you with Jeff last night at the South Beach Club?”

“What do you mean by me being with Jeff at the South Beach Club?” Taker demanded. “Jeff wasn’t at the Club. He was here with David showing him the lights and stuff.”

“I don’t mean to argue with you, Taker, but Triple H and I saw Jeff with a young dark-haired guy leaving the Club around 11:15 pm last night. Mind you, even though Jeff was in disguise, we both knew it was him.”

“Excuse me, Adam,” Oliver spoke up. “Do you mean that dark-haired young man over there?” Oliver pointed over at David who was standing beside Jeff while he was giving out autographs.

“Yeah, that’s him. Who is he?”

“He’s my partner and his name is David.”

“Hey, you two look a little pissed off. I hope I didn’t speak out of turn or anything.”

“Don’t worry about it, Adam,” Taker said as he slipped out of the ring and made his way over to his Brat with his fellow-Top trailing close behind.

The kids were excited to see the Undertaker and always being the gracious man that he had the reputation for, he took the time to sign every last piece of paper and answer every question that was put to him. From time to time he’d look up at Jeff.

Jeff’s heart fell to his stomach as he recognized the warning signs coming from those green eyes.

In the meantime, David felt the strong hand of his Top, grabbing his arm and pulling him away to whisper in his ear.

“You and I are going back to the hotel to have a little talk.”

“Now, Olive? Not now; I want to go over to the Radiant Centre and get some autographs.”

“Oh yes, young man, right now. I just found out that you went against my wishes last night even though you stated you understood my point and my concern.”

David knew his goose was cooked. Glancing over at Jeff and seeing the look on his face, he realized Jeff would be cooking in a similar pot when the Undertaker had him alone.


Not a word was spoken in the limo all the way back to the hotel. Silence also remained in the lobby, elevator and corridor leading to the room. Once inside, David tried to plead his case by reminding Oliver that although he told him he understood what he meant when stating his concerns about going to the club with Jeff, he didn’t exactly agree not to go.

Oliver told him he was arguing semantics. That no matter what spin he tried to put on things, he still broke a rule and to compound the situation he even told a bold-faced lie to his Top in the limo about the smell of smoke.

David came to the conclusion he had lost this battle. So with no more arguments forthcoming, he began to undress and after pulling his pants and undershorts off, took his familiar position over Oliver’s lap.

Although it wasn’t the first time he had been spanked, the first slap always made him jump. He bit his lip and did his best to contain the tears that threatened to flow. After fifteen quick and hard slaps to his left and right rear cheeks, David gave in to the pain and the release and let out a loud sob.

“Ollie!” he pleaded between the tears. “I’m so sorry for the whole incident. I-I guess I was caught up in the thrill of being with Jeff and forgetting all about that stupid job and all. I-I knew I was doing wrong, but I did it anyway. Please forgive me…..please!”

Oliver stopped the spanking and pulled David onto his lap and held him close. “Of course, I forgive you. I know you’re sincerely sorry for what you did.”

“So all is forgiven and the punishment is over?”

“Not quite. I want you to give an apology to Mark for taking part in Jeff’s plan to deceive him. Is that clear?”

“Yes sir, I agree that an apology is due.”

“Good! Now when we get back to New York I want you to consider taking a leave of absence from your job. It’s giving you too much stress and I won’t put up with that.”

“Oh, Oliver, I’m so glad you suggested that. As a matter of fact, I was going to talk to you about quitting that job and considering another line of work.”

“Oh really, and what is that, baby?” Oliver asked as he continued to rub the young man’s back and rock him back and forth in a comforting motion.

“I’ve been thinking of joining the New York Police Department as a hostage negotiator.”

“What? Are you serious?” Oliver was stunned. This was the first time David had ever brought up this scenario.

“It’s been a dream of mine for a long time and well, I just didn’t know how to approach it.”

“I guess we have a lot to discuss when we get home, don’t we, young man?”

“Yeah, I guess we do.”

“David,” Oliver whispered as he gave his partner a tender kiss. “You know I’ll be there to support you in any decision you make because I love you and I want you to be happy.”

Kissing him back, David replied, “I know that, Ollie, and I love you too.”

“Fine; now let’s get you redressed and that face of yours washed. I’ll call Mark and see if we can go over and speak to him for a few moments.”

David let out a huge sigh and Oliver knowingly smiled. He knew David wasn’t looking forward to this particular meeting.


Back at the Undertaker’s apartment, Jeff Hardy had just finished getting a discipline lesson of his own. His bottom was red hot from the spanking he had just received but he could withstand the pain because he was now cuddled up in the giant arms of his lover. A man who had the reputation of being tough and mean, but Jeff knew that was just for the fans. Mark was really a soft-hearted, gentle man who gave Jeff the unconditional love and support he always needed and craved for.

He let out a slow moan as Taker began nibbling on his ear lobe and was about to turn over to reciprocate when the phone rang.

Mark answered it on the second ring and Jeff heard him agree to something. Taker then hung up the phone and began getting out of the bed.

“Hey, big man; where are you going? Get back here and finish what you started.” Jeff held out his arms to his lover.

“Remember where I was, baby.” Taker let out a laugh. “Right now, we’re getting company. Oliver and David are coming over for a few minutes.”


“Oliver is making David apologize to me and, young man, while he is doing that, I want you to apologize to Oliver. Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

When David and Oliver arrived, Mark took the younger man into the study while Jeff stayed out in the living room with Oliver.

When the Undertaker had closed the door behind him, he walked up to the young man who was visibly shaking. “Oliver said you have something to say to me, boy?” Mark stated in his deepest and scariest voice as he towered over David.

“Yes Sir.” David’s voice began to shake as he spoke. “I’m so sorry, Taker, for having gone along with Jeff’s plan. I know it was wrong and what the consequences could have been if someone had recognized him. I am truly sorry if I upset you and did anything to get Jeff into trouble. The only thing I can say is, I hope you’ll forgive me and that I promise to never go against your wishes again. Also may I add, please don’t choke or slam me; I bruise easily.”

Mark did his best to keep up the pretence of being the big bad Undertaker, but he couldn’t. He let out a loud chuckle at David’s last remark. “Okay, kid; I forgive you and I believe it when you say you are truly sorry. I promise not to hurt you this time, but if you ever go against my wishes again, I may not be so gracious next time. Understood?”

“Yes sir; loud and clear!”

“Okay, let’s shake hands and forget the whole thing. Agreed?”

“Agreed, and thank you, Taker.” David let out his breath as relief filled his body. He hoped Jeff was meeting with the same forgiveness. Knowing his Top, he was sure that he was.

For his part, Jeff Hardy stood before Oliver and also asked forgiveness for pulling David into his little scheme. He hoped Oliver could and would forgive him.

Oliver gave Jeff a warm smile and a gentle pat on the back as he stated, “I do forgive you and I accept your apology, but if you ever get David in trouble again, I can’t promise I will be so forgiving next time. Understood?’

“Yes sir, and don’t worry; I really like David and I respect both you and Mark and I promise never to disrespect either of you again.”

The rest of the visit went smoothly and the two Brats made a vow to each other that they would do their best to keep each other out of trouble.

As far as the rest of the week went, David had a great time, his stress was gone, and Wrestlemania was a huge success, The Undertaker won his match, although Jeff lost his, and Oliver got some great pictures for his magazine.

As they made their way back to New York, David and Oliver held hands and relived the week in Houston and although the first night hadn’t been so great, the rest of the time was fantastic.

Now as they returned home, David was about to begin a new chapter in his life. He knew having Oliver’s love and support was making this whole new life possible.

The End.

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